Asset management
Management of routine and scheduled maintenance activities. Thanks to this unit, you can manage the company's assets: installations, machines, equipment, etc. where maintenance operations take place, and can be managed.
Manage company machinery maintenance interventions, quickly and accurately!
The main functions of the module range from the management of ordinary and scheduled maintenance activities (with detailed intervention plans made for each company resource), to the inspection and registration of exceptional maintenance activities.
The system not only enables you to effectively plan the maintenance activities, but also allows you to have a complete and timely collection of final data regarding the time spent for each maintenance operation, the materials used, the resources involved, etc.
Immediate statistics and reports will help your company by ensuring you don’t neglect important strategic interventions, which are often necessary for safety purposes too; they will also help your company to monitor and get to know the energy and costs needed to maintain its production installations in perfect efficiency.
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- Management of company assets (plants, machines, equipment, etc.) on which the management of maintenance interventions is foreseen
- Complete integration with the connection of machines for the generation of maintenance events according to the acquired data (machine cycles, operating time, exceeding thresholds of certain parameters, etc.)
- Definition of maintenance plans with checklist of operations to be performed and links to technical documentation and safety requirements, drawings, etc.
- Management of extraordinary maintenance on several levels
- Support for Dashboard analysis
- Management of notifications and alarms also from smartwatches