Monitoraggio consumi energetici
Software for controlling and managing factory energy consumption
The I4Energy module is an innovative tool that makes it possible to detect energy consumption and other quantities (gas, nitrogen, etc…), related to connected resources and allocate them to production orders on the machine, precisely at any time.
Thanks to this solution, it is possible to achieve more efficient and economic management of energy resources, reduce waste and improve the overall productivity of the company.
Concrete and future-oriented

The I4Energy module is easy to set up and manage, even in cases of existing plants, and provides a complete and accurate display of energy consumption information. You can detect any parameter made available by your production facilities and calculate its cost. In addition, by means of special conversion factors, it is possible to calculate the CO2 emissions resulting from the detected consumption; the data will always be available with a view to plant efficiency calculations.
Through our MES Software, it is possible to define the type of quantities you want to measure, the reference unit of measurement, the calculation methodology and the related costs.
Data can be consulted through interactive dashboards, which allow simple and immediate analysis and integration between production data (plant performance, shutdowns, inefficiencies, etc.) and the consumption trends of each resource involved. This integration is the real added value of the solution, which allows strategies aimed at improvement to be identified.
Download the product brochure!

Not just energy
Through I4Energy, the costing of quantities collected in production can go beyond “simple” energy consumption.
Every parameter collected from production equipment, such as gases and consumables (welding wire, plastic granulate, etc…), can be associated with a cost and matched directly to the production order during the normal production process.
This allows the cost of each production order to be valued in a very precise and timely manner, and this is of vital importance at this time in history.
Survey of energy consumption
Through any field device or by direct connection with the machine
Economic Valorization
Of energy consumption over time
Cost allocation
On the different articles/work orders
Analysis by
interactive and customized dashboards
Alarm management
with email notification
Web interface
Of consultation of historical and instantaneous values
Data tables
exportable and customizable
Of the different quantities being surveyed (electricity, gas...)
Survey of CO2 emissions
arising from the detected consumption
The benefits for the company

Thanks to the I4Energy module, it is possible to:
- Have total control over energy consumption
- Perform detailed analyses
- Optimize energy resources
- Easily identify any critical issues or inefficiencies
- Reduce waste and production costs
- Detect and cost all types of quantities
- Precisely cost the items produced
- Orient the company toward a greener perspective
- Have facilities in obtaining Certifications related to energy-intensive companies