Small Parts Production Management Systems
The Minuteria sector is characterized by a very high level of precision during the processing process, which also implies a strong attention to the quality control of the products. The small parts include small elements, essential for the assembly and operation of many products in the most diverse sectors: costume jewelry, leather goods, Fastening systems, automotive, furniture, telephony, computing and many others.

As machining requires high precision on small items, quality control must be immediate and reliable.
The materials used are also crucial for the finished product; The fact that a firm can be fully traced would enable it to know exactly where a certain type of material comes from or how much of it is present in a given process.
In order to remain competitive on the market, it is also necessary to automate production by introducing a software for finite capacity scheduling, The Commission has also proposed a number of measures to ensure that the production capacity is maximised.
Integration with finite capacity scheduling
Real-time monitoring of machines
Quality control and maintenance management of machines and equipment (e.g. moulds)
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Tesar for the minute-making industry
To support the companies in the Retail sector in the digitization process, Tesar proposes modules for quality management such as Sicop and traceability such as I4Traceability.
The data obtained from these modules, which can be fully configured with the production management software Motis2, are visible and analysable on the TS400 department terminal.
It is also essential to introduce a software such as Motis1, able to schedule production at finite capacity.